/** * Name: Highslide JS * Version: 4.1.12 (2011-03-28) * Config: default +inline +ajax +iframe +flash * Author: Torstein Hønsi * Support: www.highslide.com/support * License: www.highslide.com/#license */ if (!hs) { var hs = { // Language strings lang : { cssDirection: 'ltr', loadingText : 'Loading...', loadingTitle : 'Click to cancel', focusTitle : 'Click to bring to front', fullExpandTitle : 'Expand to actual size (f)', creditsText : ' Tutorial Blog dan Seo', creditsTitle : 'Tutorial Blog dan Seo Untuk Pemula.', previousText : 'Previous', nextText : 'Next', moveText : 'Move', closeText : '[x]', closeTitle : 'Close (esc)', resizeTitle : 'Resize', playText : 'Play', playTitle : 'Play slideshow (spacebar)', pauseText : 'Pause', pauseTitle : 'Pause slideshow (spacebar)', previousTitle : 'Previous (arrow left)', nextTitle : 'Next (arrow right)', moveTitle : 'Move', fullExpandText : '1:1', restoreTitle : 'Click to close image, click and drag to move. Use arrow keys for next and previous.' }, // See http://highslide.com/ref for examples of settings graphicsDir : 'highslide/graphics/', expandCursor : 'zoomin.cur', // null disables restoreCursor : 'zoomout.cur', // null disables expandDuration : 250, // milliseconds restoreDuration : 250, marginLeft : 15, marginRight : 15, marginTop : 15, marginBottom : 15, zIndexCounter : 1001, // adjust to other absolutely positioned elements loadingOpacity : 0.75, allowMultipleInstances: true, numberOfImagesToPreload : 5, outlineWhileAnimating : 2, // 0 = never, 1 = always, 2 = HTML only outlineStartOffset : 3, // ends at 10 padToMinWidth : false, // pad the popup width to make room for wide caption fullExpandPosition : 'bottom right', fullExpandOpacity : 1, showCredits : true, // you can set this to false if you want creditsHref : 'http://pelajaran-blog.blogspot.com/', creditsTarget : '_self', enableKeyListener : true, openerTagNames : ['a'], // Add more to allow slideshow indexing allowWidthReduction : false, allowHeightReduction : true, preserveContent : true, // Preserve changes made to the content and position of HTML popups. objectLoadTime : 'before', // Load iframes 'before' or 'after' expansion. cacheAjax : true, // Cache ajax popups for instant display. Can be overridden for each popup. dragByHeading: true, minWidth: 200, minHeight: 200, allowSizeReduction: true, // allow the image to reduce to fit client size. If false, this overrides minWidth and minHeight outlineType : 'drop-shadow', // set null to disable outlines skin : { contentWrapper: '
'+ '
